Wednesday, March 25, 2020

HRComputes Spring 2020 Newsletter

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Be safe, be healthy, stay calm!
Honored to be a Beacon ICON Award Winner
On March 11th at the Normandy Farms, Silos Ballroom, Beacon members gathered to honor three award winners with the Beacon ICON Award for their impact on women in leadership. The winners were Natasha Andrews, Director of Programs and Community Engagement at Girls Inc., Alyssa Budraitis, Founder and Owner, Beautiful Linens, and Kristina Kohl, Managing Principal of HRComputes. Each honoree had the opportunity to share her own journey and story on facilitating women in leadership. All of the stories were authentic and impactful.
Hearing from each of the award winners was very moving.  Click here to read Kristina’s speech.
Diversity of Thought Drives Innovation
Recently, Kristina was a guest speaker at the Ultimate Women in Business Summit in NYC speaking on Building a Socially Responsible Organization. While attending, she had the opportunity to hear Cara Pelletier, Director of Diversity, Equality & Belonging, Ultimate Software speak on Building a Culture of Belonging. Her presentation focused on creating a culture of belonging rather than one of inclusion. As Cara says, “You don’t need an invitation, you already belong” It is about bringing your authentic self to work and feeling like you really belong there. In order to have a diverse workforce, you need to create a culture of belonging.
As we think about diversity and its impact on innovation, we need to think about the many levels of diversity in our organizations. We have identity diversity, which reflects attributes that are more visible (race, gender, etc.) and we have cognitive diversity, which reflects how we see the world and think about things. A recent HBR article adds a third, experiential diversity reflecting how our affinities, hobbies, and abilities shape us.  Each of these types of diversity is impactful in driving innovation.
When we talk about work, where is most work happening? Work happens in teams and teams have meetings. So, how can we make meetings more effective in creating an environment for a diversity of thought to drive innovation? Click here for more insight!

Spotlight on Technology
In early March, before the madness, Morris attended the Ceridian Dayforce Advisory meeting, an annual gathering of consultants, senior executives, and techies.  HRComputes has been attending for 3 years since its inception.  The point of the meeting is to hear the latest and greatest about the product, the strategy for what comes next and how to best partner with Ceridian.

One of the most important statements made by a senior exec was that “80% of HCM clients use only 30% of the functionality of the system”!  With the emphasis of so many projects on getting Core HR and Payroll up and running in a short amount of time, so much functionality gets left un or under implemented.  Many of the “bright and shiny objects” and the leading-edge range of capabilities – many of the things one sees in a demo and often the reasons for the purchase decision – do not make an impact on the organization.  The consensus on how to fix the issue was to increase client-side support, expand on change management and include a budget for technology adoption and communications techniques.  All services, by the way, that we excel in providing!
To read more about the Advisory Summit click here!

Kronos-UltimateSoftware Merger
The Kronos-UltimateSoftware merger made the news recently.  In our view, with both companies having the same Private Equity owner, it seems like it was only a matter of time.  We hope that the new company will bring to market the best of both products, technology and positive culture.  We look forward to hearing more when we attend the UltimateSoftware Advisory Council meeting in May!  Stay tuned!
Honors, Awards, Board Appointments
Kristina Kohl Beacon 2020 ICON Award Winner

Kristina Kohl named to Wharton Alumni Club of NJ Board of Directors

Morris Yankell named to Beacon Networking for Life Board of Directors

Kristina Kohl named to SJ BIZ 2020 Women to Watch – click here for more on this award and to read Kristina’s answer to “What’s the best business advice you were ever given or gave to someone else?”

Check out our website
Connect with us at:
Kristina Kohl, Managing Principal
Morris Yankell, Principal

Follow us on Twitter:
Kris    Morris 

Please stay in, virtual, touch!.
Copyright © 2020  HRComputes
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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Kristina Kohl Named as a SJ BIZ 2020 Women to Watch

We are honored to have Kristina Kohl, Managing Principal, named as a SJ Biz 2020 Women to Watch. Meet all of these women leaders and hear about their journeys. Here is an excerpt from the article and a link to the full article.

"Is there anything more powerful than women lifting up other women—encouraging them to be the best versions of themselves? The women before you have done just that and are empowering others at their places of work and all over the community as well. They lead by example and have attained an immeasurable amount of success by pushing boundaries and making their dreams a reality."

Congratulations to Beacon Icon Award Winners

 On March 11th at the Normandy Farms Three Silos Ballroom, Beacon members gathered to honor three award winners with the Beacon ICON Award for their impact on women in leadership. The winners were Natasha Andrews, Director of Programs and Community Engagement at Girls Inc.; Alyssa Budraitis, Founder and Owner, Beautiful Linens; and Kristina Kohl, Managing Principal of HRComputes. Each honoree had the opportunity to share her own journey and story on facilitating women in leadership. All of the stories were authentic and impactful.
 As one of the award recipients, the event was very moving. I had the opportunity to share my perspectives with the audience. The following is an excerpt from my speech:

 I’m wearing my suffragette sash this evening in honor of all of the women who came before us-our mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmother who blazed the path for us. While women have come a long way in terms of rights and opportunities,  we need to continue to push the needle forward to level the playing field and to provide opportunities for women at the most senior levels.

 As women take on senior roles,  we need to pick up the mantle of leadership which includes strategy and vision but also talent development and management. Opening the door for others, sponsoring, mentoring, and providing growth opportunities moves the needle forward.

 As women leaders, we have the opportunity to make the world a better place focusing on a triple bottom line strategy of planet, people, and profit. We have the opportunity to make our organizations places of belonging so that all employees can thrive and contribute by bringing their full selves to work. We have the opportunity to guide our people to a successful and impactful future.

 When I began in the business world, I was often the only women in the room. The only role models that I had were men. Today, I’m honored to serve as a role model for future generations. I share my network, time, and experience with many other women in order to improve their own journey toward their personal and professional goals.

We can't wait to see who will be selected next year for this honor. While this was the inaugural event, The Beacon ICON awards have already become a major Philadelphia business community event.